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Guatemala 1982


A Miguel Angel Rodriguez Film


Adrian Morales goes to the town of Jutiapa after his father ordered him to do so. He had the task of picking up identification cards needed to carry arms. Colonel Fuentes, a friend of his father, is who is given them. When he arrives in the town, Adrian is mistakenly identified as a guerrilla member, and they hold him captive as a prisoner. He is then hooded and tortured, searching for a confession about who and where the guerrilla leader is. Adrian does not return with the identifications. His brother and sister-in-law search for him. When they arrive in the town, they discover the chilling truth. Colonel Rodriguez believes in Adrian’s innocence, creating an even bigger conflict within the military headquarters.

Adrián Morales va a el pueblo de Jutiapa por orden de su papá a recoger unas credenciales para portar armas. El coronel Fuentes, amigo del padre, es quien se las entregará, al llegar a Jutiapa, Adrián es confundido accidentalmente como guerrillero y lo toman preso. Lo encapuchan y lo torturan para que confiese quién es el jefe de la guerrilla y en donde se localizan. Al no regresar con las credenciales, su hermano y su cuñada van a buscarlo y al llegar al pueblo se encuentran con un escenario escalofriante. El teniente coronel Rodríguez cree en la Inocencia de Adrián y con esto ocasiona que el conflicto crezca dentro del cuartel del ejército donde se encuentra detenido.


Solo un acto de valor y fe podrían salvar la vida de Adrián Morales.

Color/115 mins


Directed by

Miguel Angel Rodriguez


Produced by

Adrián Morales


Reparto: Alejandro Tommasi, Isela Vega, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, Olivia Collins, Oscar Traven, Diana Golden, Valentin Trujillo Jr, Luis Bayardo

Ya Morí Una Vez y Volví A Nacer   LIBRO Autobiografico

Durante el Conflicto Interno Armado en Guatemala en los años 80, el pueblo guatemalteco, principalmente Adrian Morales, sufrieron en carne propia torturas y vilezas por parte del Ejército Guatemalteco. Adrian Morales es injustamente detenido y martirizado en las bartolinas de la Base Militar ubicada en el Departamento de Jutiapa.Dios escucho sus lamentos y oraciones y se apiado de el, motivando los medios para que pudiera escapar de su encierro. Durante su huida resulta herido por 5 impactos de bala de armamento de calibre militar.Adrian Morales logra llegar hacia Los Ángeles, California donde actualmente reside con su familia, y comparte su impresionante historia de vida.

presione para comprar el libro / During the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala in the 1980s, the Guatemalan people, mainly Adrian Morales, suffered torture and vileness at the hands of the Guatemalan Army. Adrian Morales is unjustly detained and martyred in the cells of the Military Base located in the Department of Jutiapa. However, God heard his cries and prayers and took pity on him, motivating the means so that he could escape from his confinement. During his flight, he was injured by five bullet impacts from military caliber weapons. Nevertheless, Adrian Morales manages to reach Los Angeles, California, where he currently resides with his family, and shares his impressive life story.


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